Why did you make this?

Short answer, to help you in the fight against cold emails.

We think that there’s a power imbalance in email. Although it’s one of the most useful inventions of all time, as a single email user you have no control over who can email you, or what they can put in front of you to briefly grab your attention.

There's almost no penalty for sending mass-emails to as many people as possible, most of which are a complete waste of time and energy.

At least by using Ellie we can claw back a small amount of power, by automating our replies to these automated emails, so that they can no longer monopolise our time.

Others are also using Ellie to overcome reply anxiety, or as a tool to help with dyslexia or language & grammar skills.

If you're using Ellie in an interesting way, please let us know! We'd love to hear about it!


Last updated on March 22, 2023